My signature is on this!

Thought this was a great idea and it’s rather cool to have my signature on this as part of 27’000 others!

Mozilla delivered a message of thanks to The Guardian newspaper, on behalf of 27,000 of you. The Guardian is preventing misinformation by adding more context to news articles shared on social media, so we decided to say “thank you” in a really big way.

Insight into How you are being exploited by Facebook, Google and Others

Corporations are not allowed to destroy civilisation just because it’s more profitable than building civilisation.

Roger McNamee

There is a storm coming for companies like Facebook. It’s going to be a bad one and I for one cannot wait till it rolls in.

I’ve linked below to a great conversation with Roger McNamee and Sam Harris about how major tech companies are misusing our data without permission and without our knowledge. Additionally how promoting anger, hostility, conspiracy over user happiness is good for business.

It’s a great conversation with players who understand the issues, how these issues are negatively affecting us (including you!) and is recommend listening for all. Click the link below to listen or download.

The truth about where the problem is on climate change action

Politicians have known the truth about climate change and they’ve willingly handed over our future to profiteers whose search for quick cash threatens our very existence.

Greta Thunberg

Greta Thunberg understands very clearly what the problem is. She is 16.

So why do you not understand? Why do you keep voting for the same people/party/promises.

Its already to late to stop what’s coming in terms of massive climate change.

How bad a state will you leave our home for the generations to come?

It’s up to nobody but you, me and the person next to you. Take action.

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