Governments responsible for 40% of the world’s coastlines have pledged to end overfishing, restore dwindling fish populations and stop the flow of plastic pollution into the seas in the next 10 years.

Via The Guardian (link below)

This is really positive and good news. But more needs to be done and quicker. The facts are that managing the oceans sustainably and respecting the amazing ecosystem that is trying to survive our onslaught, is not only good for humans, it’s good business too. So politicians (around the world), stop pandering to your corporate sponsors who care only about profit today and not food and thriving, beautiful oceans for your people tomorrow.

Published by Brendan

Brendan Piater is the founder of Arctic Online, a successful website design studio, Internet technologies expert, passionate conservationist, open source and free culture enthusiast, entrepreneur, expert spear-fisherman, ex-pineapple farmer and a rather good mackerel fisherman.

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