I watched this launch yesterday; it really did feel historic, the start of something. This Arstechninca article has a lot more info but I thought the author summarises things well.
Much remains to be done, and Starship is a work in progress. But this is historic. No one really knows what our planet, our orbit, or our Solar System will look like with low-cost launch, frequent access to space, and essentially no constraints on mass. We have never experienced anything like that before.
You have all seen it, perhaps even believed it. Flowers coming out the back of the exhaust of a car…, claims like “endorsed by mother earth” “planet friendly”, “eco”. The following talk will help you avoid falling into the trap of greenwashing when telling your sustainability story of your company, product or organisation. Also a great watch if you want to understand more about sustainability messaging and greenwashing.
It struck me that the headline below could well be a headline for Cape Town, New York, London etc in the future. Thanks to the politicians for yet again failing their citizens at COP26. Why are we still voting for them?
Tourists marvel at ancient Rome’s party town London, now buried by the sea – read more here